Posted by: cookscache | April 3, 2010

A word about Walnuts

When mentally compiling a list of ingredients that I absolutely must have on hand at all times, I strangely find walnuts among the ranks of flour, canned tomatoes, ground beef and onions. I’ve never given much thought to them before, but after eating them every day for the past two weeks or so, I’m glad that they are always around even if they can be a bit pricey. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s, where they cost the same whole, chopped or crumbled.  

I didn’t realize how timely this was in terms of ground breaking walnut research until I just checked the nutritional news on google. I knew that walnuts have a lot of heart-healthy Omega-3s, but apparently they also may help fight cancer. Doesn’t apply to me so much as I’m not a mouse with a prostate, but, still, things are looking good for those little guys on their walnut rich diet.

Personally, I just enjoy their versatility and deliciousness. Here are some things that I’ve used chopped walnuts for. If you’d like any of the recipes that I haven’t posted, let me know. Also, if you frequently use walnuts and have ideas that my list lacks, please send them my way.

Walnut All-Stars

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Simple Spring Salad

Carrot Cake

Single Apple Waldorf Salad

Oatmeal topping

Stir-fry add-in

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