Posted by: cookscache | April 6, 2010

Non-dairy Horseradish Sauce

So, when you happen to have some leftover beef tenderloin (we should all be so lucky) or pot roast or even just your everyday steak, this is a way to spice it up a bit. I suppose it would also be good on something that isn’t leftover. So, whatever the case may be, try this sauce on beef. It is excellent.

Now, if you are a dairy person, which I am not right now, you can substitute sour cream for the mayo. I thought the mayo version was delicious (of course I invented the recipe, so that is kind of the point). But at some point I will have to try the sour cream version.

Non-dairy Horseradish Sauce

1 tablespoon horseradish

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 tablespoon white wine

1/4 teaspoon sugar

1/4 teaspoon pepper

Sprigs of fresh parsley (from my garden)

Mix all ingredients except parsley and let it sit in the fridge for a while to mix the flavors well. I ate the sauce chilled on beef served at room temperature on little toasts cut from a baguette. A nice dinner on a warm day, especially with a side of Simple Spring Salad. Because I was only cooking for one person, this recipe is for a single serving.


  1. The sour cream version isn’t as good as the mayo version (particularly a good mayo recipe like this one). Some time, try shredding fresh horse radish.

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