Posted by: cookscache | June 7, 2010

Black Bean Soup: Hot or Cold!

Here is another recipe that can be served right off the stove or right out of the fridge. It only has five ingredients and yet is remarkably delicious. Plus, it is in season with cilantro springing up everywhere. I’ve served this is bread bowls, with corn bread, or even with corn chips. It never fails. After making this, I always wish I had made a double batch because it disappears so quickly!

Black Bean Soup

  • 1/2 lb black beans (canned work fine, or soak dried beans and then boil until tender)
  • 2  cups chicken broth (or 2 cups of water and toss in two bullion cubes)
  • 1 cup salsa or 1 can diced tomatoes with jalapeno or chile peppers
  • 2 tbsp fresh cilantro
  • 1 tsp lime or lemon juice, or lime or lemon zest
  • optional: sour cream topping

Heat the salsa over medium heat in the pot which will hold your soup. Stir for 5 min. Add broth and beans and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes.

If you would like, now is the time to puree half like you would with split pea soup. I skip this step.

Add lime juice or zest and cilantro and stir. Top with sour cream if desired.

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